Foundation History
In 1991 the Arsenal Heights Civic League was formed to create a boundary in the southeast quadrant of what was just developing as the Holy Cross Neighborhood. The Civic League was established to included 501(c)(3) tax exempt status which allows charitable donations to be a tax write off, and tax exempt for purchase.
As the Holy Cross Neighborhood was progressing with active members, it eventually became clear that the two strengths of the areas should mesh. Arsenal Heights merged with Holy Cross in 2016. The inclusion of the two enhanced both areas. Volunteers were more abundant for neighborhood cleanups for the expanded area and the Arsenal Heights 501(c)(3) was shared with HCN. To lessen the confusion of the two groups that are now one for the same cause, the name of the 501(c)(3) was changed from Arsenal Heights to the Holy Cross Neighborhood Foundation.
The Holy Cross Neighborhood is dedicated to building both physical and social infrastructure that invites neighbors to connect and contribute to a community where everyone can make a difference. Our goal is to maintain and preserve our historic near eastside neighborhood, ensuring it remains a beautiful and inviting place for all.
Donations can be made online to the HCNF’s Stipe account.
Foundation Board of Directors
Of the Foundation Board of Directors, two are voted on by the general neighborhood population, and the remainder are appointed by the HCNA officers. Any Neighborhood member is free to run for appointment or election. Foundation Board members, once established, vote to appoint officers within.
Current Board members are:
Renee O’Sullivan, president
Nicky Mendenhall, vice president
Olivia Bennett, secretary
Sinclair Williams, treasurer
Thérèse Reckley
Claire Winship